Newman & Sversky LLP
Offering business services that fit your needs and accomplish your goals Client Portalmaximizing profits, minimizing taxes.
Looking for an Accountant in the GTA?
Newman & Sversky specializes in financial statements, tax, bookkeeping, and advice. Get to know our team and put our services to the test!
our accounting services include
Business consulting
Estate Planning
Canada Revenue Agency tax audits
No Matter your size, we are here for you!
From large corporations to owner operated businesses, Newman & Sversky provides a wide range of services with the goal to successfully assist you in making decisions. We focus on not only understanding your business, but as well your personal and professional goals.
No Matter your size, we are here for you!
From large corporations to owner operated businesses, Newman & Sversky provides a wide range of services with the goal to successfully assist you in making decisions. We focus on not only understanding your business, but as well your personal and professional goals.
Taking advantage of pension income splitting
Income tax is a big-ticket item for most retired Canadians. Especially for those who are no longer paying a mortgage, the annual tax bill may be the single biggest expenditure they are required to make each year. Fortunately, the Canadian tax system provides a number...
RRSPs and TFSAs: making the annual choice
If there is one invariable “rule” of financial and retirement planning of which most Canadians are aware, it is the unquestioned wisdom of making regular contributions to one’s registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). And it is true that for several decades the RRSP...
Responding to a tax instalment reminder from the CRA
Sometime during the month of February, millions of Canadians will receive mail from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). That mail, a “Tax Instalment Reminder”, will set out the amount of instalment payments of income tax to be paid by the recipient taxpayer by March 15...
Claiming home office expenses for 2021
As the pandemic continued past 2020 and through 2021, it is likely that employees who were able to work from home spent at least part of the 2021 tax year doing just that. And, as was the case in 2020, those workers may be entitled to claim a deduction on their 2021...
Federal government expands and extends business pandemic relief programs
Since the pandemic began early in 2020, and especially after many non-essential businesses were required to close temporarily as a public health measure, the federal government has brought forward a broad range of financial relief programs for both individuals and...
Claiming a deduction for moving expenses
One of the more unexpected effects of the current pandemic has been the impact on the Canadian real estate market. In each of July, August, and September 2020 the number of home sales, especially in major cities, has set a year-over-year record and, in many of the...
Coming clean with the tax authorities – the Voluntary Disclosure Program
The Canadian tax system is a “self-assessing system” which relies heavily on the voluntary co-operation of taxpayers. Canadians are expected (in fact, in most cases, required), to complete and file a tax return each spring, reporting income from all sources,...
Tax planning for year-end charitable donations
Canadians have a well-deserved reputation for supporting charitable causes, through donations of both money and goods. Our tax system supports that generosity by providing a tax credit for qualifying donations made. Federally, taxpayers can claim a credit of 15%...
Transitioning from the Canada Emergency Relief Benefit
Of all the many financial relief programs introduced by the federal government to address the economic impact of the pandemic, probably none has had a bigger impact than the Canada Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB). As of August 16, nearly 9 million Canadians had...
Keeping track of 2020’s changing federal tax deadlines
When the state of emergency was declared in March of this year, the federal government extended the usual deadlines for both the filing of individual tax returns and payment of taxes owed, for both 2019 and 2020. Sometimes those deadlines (like the deadline for filing...
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272 Lawrence Ave West
Third Floor
Toronto, ON M5M 4M1
Main Number (416) 785-5100
Fax 416-785-5895